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Pinglu Road Masterplan Shanghai has undergone rampant de-industrialization. Pengpu, a once heavily industrialized zone has seen many of the production spaces converted into offices, malls, residences etc in recent years as ways for the city to monetize high land prices. Nonetheless, the haphazard planning and lot sales in the area have resulted in leftover streets such as Pinglu Road. Once the site of an urban village, the road is filled with remnants of the industrial past, including a paper and waste recycling plant that was once a metalworks factory, and which currently also houses print shops and makeshift housing for migrant populations. The rapidly changing economics of the surroundings have resulted in such hybrid uses (e.g. logistics hub with roof-top sports facilities, diving school with offices, factories with informal housing). This masterplan seeks to maintain a level of hybridity and informality found onsite, while capitalizing on its proximity to other high-end offices and health facilities. In particular, the project proposes a series of multi-generational and aging-in-place residences to address the needs of the population. These towers also function as vertical farms to produce food for the neighbourhood, and link to processing and logistics facilities found along the street.

Pinglu Road Masterplan



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SKEW Collaborative | Pianjian - Award-Winning Design and Resarch Firm

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